
Friday, May 16, 2014

5 Tips for Tourists To Be Loved by Local People

Tips for Tourist to be Accepted by Locals

Close interaction with the local people can make the holiday more exciting. Unfortunately, not all tourists can be accepted either. For that, use the following 5 tips to be able to interact closely, even loved by the local residents.

Tourist Interaction with Local People
Local people selling Sate+Lontong | Indonesian Food.

Compiled from a sources, here is 5 tips to be loved by local residents:

1. Learn their habits

Of course, each region has a habit or tradition embraced by local residents. By studying habits, without the need to ask you already know or could style like the locals, such as how to eat, drink, or even how to speak. It is guaranteed to make you easily accepted.

2. Adaptation in Dressing

Although traveling with short pants and sleeves more comfortable. However, you better wear clothes that appropriate to the outfit that commonly used by the locals. For example in the Middle East region, although the air temperature there tends to heat, almost all locals wear closed clothes. Wrong in dressing, you may be presumed that you do not respect them.

3. Open-minded with The Local Culture

Another thing that is not less important is open your mind to the local culture. Never underestimate the local culture. Although you think it's weird because you are not yet familiar. Respect in ways, not mocking, and pay attention to the culture there. The more you seem interested, the more change for you to be accepted by the locals.

4. Talking/Chatting with Locals

If you want to be well received, make sure you interact or even chatting with the locals. Talking or chatting is one of the easiest way to be accepted by the local residents. The more friendly, the more likely you are accepted.

5. Be Polite

The last, be polite. Not only in vacation spots, polite attitude is very good to do anywhere. Everyone will accept a new person if they are being polite, is not it?

I hope these 5 Tips for Tourists To Be Loved by Local People can be helpful for you who want to travel to another countries or place with different culture.


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